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78 Year Old Lady Proves Age Is No Barrier As She Completes 540ft Abseil

A 78 year old lady Isabel Gibson, has taken on the daring challenge of abseiling 540 feet down the Broadgate Tower…

Isabel’s husband served on the merchant ship that carried the ammunition to the Suez Crisis in 1956. Followed closely behind was Stoll Chairman, Andy Fryer along with 24 members of the Military.

Describing the experience, Isabel said: “Why should age hold you back from doing anything? It was a great experience and something I will certainly remember. I was delighted to be able to raise money for such an important cause and one that has greatly helped me.”

Stoll Chairman, Air Commodore Andy Fryer, a former Nimrod navigator who has seen action in the Falklands, Balkans and Afghanistan, said: “It’s not every Sunday you abseil down one of the tallest buildings in London! It certainly raised the adrenaline levels but I was delighted to be able to do something to mark our Centenary and raise the essential funds needed to support those who have tirelessly served our country.”

This impressive feat was in aid of Stoll’s Centenary year, the charity has been supporting vulnerable ex-Servicemen and women since 1916. To mark this important milestone, Stoll is fundraising to help address the increasing need for housing for vulnerable Veterans leaving the forces.

Another resident at Stoll, Tom Howard also took part in the challenge. He said: “As an ex Paratrooper I am used to descending from great heights and thoroughly enjoyed it! Stoll gave me a secure base when I was in need which has allowed me to build my life here in London. For that I am immensely grateful and am just pleased I can give something back for those leaving the forces.”

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