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A Little Extra

Giles O’Halloran looks at some quick ways to make a little extra money in order to help pay rising bills, or just for those little extras and treats in life

Recent reports in the news say that the economic environment is still quite tough for business and when seeking work. Business closures are becoming more frequent and outlets close daily, with the only growth sectors on the high street has being for discount stores, pawn-brokerages and payday loan operations. Money is therefore tight out there and getting tighter. Not only does this put pressure on jobs, it puts pressure on salaries and how far money goes.

In previous articles, we have looked at ways of setting up your own small business as a way of beating the job market and making money directly for yourself. In this final article of the set, we will take the time look at some quick ways for you to perhaps make a little extra money in order to help pay rising bills, or just for those little extras and treats in life.


Sometimes a hobby or interest can earn you a few extra pounds. You sell things you make via some of the online outlets such as eBay or Amazon, but there also specialist sites online dedicated to craft sales. Otherwise something very simple like making bead bracelets and selling them online can be good way to make a little money. The cost could be as little as £2 for each bracelet and you can then sell them for £3-5 for each. It is something you could do as an activity with kids and make some extra pocket money as a family.

Rent out space

Other than renting a spare room to a lodger, there are other options to consider. If you have a bit of unused land, an empty garage, a driveway etc. – they are all assets that you can rent out. You could rent out a garage or driveway to a commuter if you live near town, or perhaps to those visiting events or festivals like Glastonbury and Wimbledon. You could rent out unused land for allotments. There are a number of websites out there that can advise and cater for people looking to do just that. So think about it if you believe it could be an option to earn a little cash.

Rent out stuff

Taking the section above a little further, you could always consider renting out other things that are expensive to purchase. This could mean renting out a lawnmower, a steam cleaner, power tools, or even a bike, or a trailer. Again, there are a number of sites online and UK based that can help you do this by not only advertising your items for rent, but through also through helping you match your item with an interested party. You won’t make a fortune, but it may help a little.


As with previous articles, you could always do some odd-jobs to bring a little extra cash. Consider doing jobs that other people do not enjoy or do not have the time to do. The common ones are gardening, mowing, window cleaning, car cleaning, etc … but you could do other things like cycle repair, car valeting, language teaching, fast food delivery, call answering or online surveys. There are lots of examples online if you do a little research, so have a look and see if these work for you.

Seasonal Work

This can often be casual work on farms or even in certain industries (such as food processing around Christmas). The wages are not likely to be amazing, but as it is only about making a few extra pounds, every little can help and especially when saving for holidays in the summer or for Christmas. You will often find this kind of work advertised in local press, at farms, and production plants, so keep an eye out.

Game Creation

Some of you might enjoy the IT side of life and be active gamers. Did you know that Apple, and Google provide software like Appinventor or Gamesalad that can help you develop, publish and distribute your own games? There is an annual license fee, but take a look, as both provide websites that help/advise and it could be a great way to develop your own small games brand, distributing online or via mobile platforms. Here a hobby could really make you cash but in a fun way.

Writing and Research

If you enjoy writing articles, developing puzzles or providing content for websites, you can make a little money this way as well. There are a few specialist sites that contract out this work and pay either by the day, the hour or for the piece of work. In the same light, there is a growing opportunity to be a paid online researcher. Again, you can pick up work from specialist sites or portals and some people have actually made the transition across to becoming full time researchers making £8-20 per hour doing TV research or around £120 per day doing research for political, academic or non-government bodies. Opportunities are out there.

Product Parties

Oh yes, they are still very much alive and growing. Many of us remember the old days of Tupperware parties etc., but now there are lots of different options out there and they remain a good way to earn extra cash if you build a good network. Always be careful of the level of upfront investment, but with the right brand and support, you can earn this money back quite quickly if you get a good business model up and running.

Reserve Forces

Last but not least, if you are leaving the military and want to keep your hand in, the Reserve Forces offers you a great way to earn extra income, keep your skills alive and enjoy the military life in a more flexible way. With greater emphasis being on flexible force levels, the Reserves will contribute a greater part to our standing forces going forward. So it could be a great way to earn extra cash doing something you know you have enjoyed.

About The Author

Giles is an experienced HR and Recruitment professional. He started life as a recruitment consultant supporting a number of Blue Chip organisations, before joining IBM and developing his HR experience in a number of key roles. He has since worked for two global recruitment organisations in senior HR roles and is now an independent HR and Employment consultant. Giles has also provided CV writing, interview and network support to private and public sector clients for over a decade.

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