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April At The Army Families Federation

Since the start of 2013, the Army families’ Federation (AFF) has been working hard on behalf of families and has seen significant successes

Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) will undertake a review of the mould issues in SFA (quarters). Please continue to report any problems with mould via the link on the aff website. It is because of the number of cases reported to AFF, and the work of the AFF Housing Specialist, that this has been addressed.

Parents claiming CEA can now claim for a journey by car, in addition to the previous travel by train or plane. For more details please contact Lucy Scott, AFF Education and Childcare Specialist or Diane Weir, Director AFF Germany

Roadshows – the AFF Roadshows will be taking place at the following locations:

The Roadshows offer the chance for families to ask questions of Army command on the big issues important to them. They are free to all families. We try to visit as many areas of the country as we can each year. All roadshows start at 0930.

The Service Pupil Premium is Government money available to state schools in England which have Service children. A new AFF award – the Excellence for Forces Children (Service Premium) Award, has been set up to highlight good use of the money by schools. Parents are being asked to nominate – schools could win a cookery master-class, and every parent nominating has the chance to win an online maths subscription from Maths Factor.

Also look out for the AFF Employer of the Year Award – we are looking for Army spouses to nominate their employer if they have been shown flexibility or understanding at work because they are part of an Army family.

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