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Become A Member Of The Defence Mental Health Network

The MOD is creating the Defence Mental Health Network (DMHN) which aims to provide a means of connecting everyone across the Defence community and informing them about ongoing or new initiatives…

By signing up to the network you will find out about upcoming news, events and communications from the Mental Heath Network (MHN) committee. You will also be given the opportunity to give your ideas and feedback on how to improve mental health in the Defence community.

The Network will also give you the opportunity to provide feedback and ideas to the committee running the network. If you would like to subscribe, please click here to sign up.

The more people that subscribe, the more effective a tool it will be for the armed forces and its community. You might feel you don’t need that information at the moment but someone else you care about might.

Given the vital role that families and dependents play in our community it is important that you are well represented on the network and can make your views heard – the best way to do this initially is to sign up.

There will also be some elections for the committee that will run the network, with a timeline as follows:

7 June- Members of DMHN emailed candidates statements, voting opens*
21 June- Voting closes
25 June- Winners announced

*As you are reading this after 7 June, or decide to join after that date, you will still be sent candidate information before the voting closes.

Please only provide one email address per person. Feel free to submit the form multiple times to add multiple email addresses. The information you provide (your email address) will be treated with the strictest confidence and anonymity, and will not be shared with any third parties. By providing your email address, you will only receive correspondence in regard to the MHN.

Find out more about mental health provision for armed forces and veterans here.






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