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British Military Working Dogs Take On #BounceBounce

‘Some dogs dream of a trampoline. Others dream of being a military working dog’ is the strapline for BFBS Radio’s 2016 Christmas Advert…

The hard-working hounds from 105 Military Working Dog Squadron, based in Sennelager in Germany, feature in the parody of this year’s John Lewis TV ad.

“Seven-year-old Jasper the spaniel is the star of our film. As a Vehicle Search (VS) dog he was trained to look for arms and explosives,” said BFBS Germany’s Multimedia Journalist, Aimee Dewitt. “He’s deployed on operational tours in Afghanistan, and been on training exercises in Jordan and in the UK, but has retired since we filmed the video.”

WO2 Steve Hood, Squadron Sergeant Major of 105 Military Working Dog Squadron, plays the role of Jasper’s handler. He said: “I wanted to take part for a bit of fun and it’s also a chance to publicise some of the other disciplines we train the military working dogs for, such as agility.”

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