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Brits look in the fridge or food cupboard 13 times while at work

Top fridge raiding snacks revealed

BRITISH WORKERS look in the fridge or food cupboard 13 times per day, according to new research.

A survey of UK workers carried out by leading household appliances retailer,, revealed Brits look in the fridge 8 times and the cupboards 5 times per day on average.

The research, which looked in to the eating habits on the nation, found that women looked in the fridge or cupboard 15 times per day compared to men who looked just 11 times.

When quizzed on their behaviors in the kitchen, just 22% of respondents say they look because they are hungry while 35% say they do it because it’s habit and they don’t have any intention of actually eating anything.

The data also revealed the go to snacks for fridge raiders in the UK. Cheese came in first place, as 35% of those surveyed say they will regularly snack on this, followed by cold meats (33%).

Chocolate came in third place for 29% of fridge raiding Brits, while healthier options such as fruit (27%), and vegetables (22%) came in fourth and fifth place.

Mark Kelly, marketing manager at comments: “The data revealed some interesting findings about the nation’s snacking practices, especially the number of times people look in the fridge and cupboards just out of habit while at work.

“Snacking or making a tea or coffee in the office is a way of taking a break from the working day, and so people will find themselves doing it regularly without the intention of actually getting something to eat or making a drink. As well, the fact that so many companies now buy snacks for employees to eat means we are more likely to search for something to snack on during the day.

“That said, it’s interesting to see that when we do snack, it seems to be the savory options that are the nations firm fridge raiding favorites.”

The top 5 fridge raiding snacks:

1. Cheese – 35%

2. Cold meat – 33%

3. Chocolate – 29%

4. Fruit – 27%

5. Vegetables – 22%

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