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Changing Careers Into The Fitness Industry

The European Institute of Fitness has supported military men and women to transition into a civilian career as a serious fitness professional for the last decade…

To successfully change careers, of course, takes courage and commitment and as a personal trainer, confidence and certainty about becoming self-employed. You see in the armed forces, hierarchy, following instruction and team work is really important. Suddenly, as a new personal trainer – you are 100% responsible for getting clients and somewhat on your own, YOU determine all training protocol, it is YOUR decision alone about what to charge, who to market to and how to get started. This is very different from what most are used to.

It can seem daunting

And it can be. There are so many career routes. You can work in a fitness club, outdoors, as a mobile or at-home personal trainer, as a corporate fitness consultant, as an online fitness coach, with small groups if clients…the list goes on. You can market to weight loss clients, athletes, injured clients, clients with specific conditions, clients preparing for a significant fitness event…the list goes on.

This is why we created our Residential School

By getting away from distractions we offer people the opportunity to re-invent themselves. We offer the chance to develop new skills, get confident delivering to a range of different types of clients (and for real with members of the public), to trainpractically and to gain the business insight people often need to set out with confidence.


Although the investment is much greater to choose a residential course, you get full accommodation throughout. This is what helps us to develop the confidence and skills our students need to graduate with confidence. We are, of course, ELCAS approved and you can utilise your approximate £100 per day food and accommodation allowance towards the food and accommodation of studying at our school. You can utilise your IRTC and with everything applied will likely have MINIMAL personal contribution.

Your service to your country should, of course, mean you are supported to transition into a civilian career. And so it is appropriate the MOD supports you the way they do. We try and make this transition as smooth as possible too, by offering a particularly robust practical-based education.

You can check out our student testimonials on our or chat with a fitness professional by calling 01743 770 600.

Tips for success

To conclude, here are some helpful hints about how best to get set up and EARNING as a personal trainer in the 21st Century –

1. Niche market – you can’t appeal to everyone so ensure you present yourself and your specific packages as a SOLUTION to a very specific group of people. This way you become their obvious choice as the authority in this specific field.

2. Go beyond basic level training to qualify. Don’t serve your country and then work in an ordinary gym as an ordinary trainer on £20 per hour. Instead, learn about specific populations including diabetes, high blood pressure, lower back problems, arthritis etc. as well as motivation and behaviour change, sports and rehabilitation, functional training, nutrition and lifestyle change. Learn about business and master the ability to COACH lasting change.

3. Get confident first. Our PT clinic provides such an opportunity but don’t assume members of the public are “into” fitness and waiting for the right instruction. Get confident in delivering training and nutrition coaching to ordinary members of the public BEFORE you start charging for it.

4. Use a Client Management System to manage your bookings, finances and client notes so you can mostly enjoy training people.

5. Create a wow experience for your clients, pro-actively encourage referral and become the go-to PT in town.

One last message

Personal training offers an exciting career for motivated military personnel where you can build on your strengths and experience in the armed forces to help people become more motivated, learn about fitness and ultimately change their entire life through getting fit and healthy. Your journey can be inspiring to others!

Darren Tebbenham, BSc, MSc



EIF International School of Personal Training, Bryn Tanat Hall, Llansantffraid, Powys, SY22 6BA.

EIF Office, Global House, Shrewsbury Business Park, Shrewsbury, SY2 6LG.

Main Number: 0845 0944 007

Careers Office: 01743 770 600

PT Clinic: 01743 770 602

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