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Five millions Brits would switch professions following a jackpot win

Over 5 million UK adults would retrain for a different career after winning a large cash sum, according to new research.

More than one in ten (11%) would retrain for a different profession if they were to strike it lucky, found a survey of 2,000 UK adults by online games destination, as part of the Working After Winning Report.

-21% said they would choose a career in the digital media industry-
-Film, travel and music industries also popular ‘dream’ careers-

The research also revealed more than a third (36%) would continue working if they won a substantial amount of money.

One in five (21%) said they would choose a career in the digital media industry following a big money win, with careers in technology, animation, and videography proving a popular choice.

Other popular industries to retrain in included, film (18%), travel (16%), music (14%) sports (9%), and science (8%).

One in six (16%) said they would work for a charity if they won the jackpot, preferring to give back to those less fortunate.

The research also revealed the threshold that would need to be passed for Britons to quite their jobs, with the average Briton not deeming anything less than £5.4 million enough to give up their day job.

A quarter of Britons (24%) would invest in a business if they won a substantial amount of money, with 27% choosing property to plough their winnings into – the top industry to invest in.

Those who would invest their jackpot winnings also listed banking and finance (19%), hospitality (18%), automotive (14%), tourism & leisure (14%) and information technology (6%) industries as popular places of investment.

A Wink Slots spokesperson commented; “We often talk about what we would do with our winnings, but not what we would do after hitting the jackpot. It’s great to see a third of Britons enjoy their jobs so much that they would continue working despite their windfall, and that some would even use the opportunity to retrain or volunteer their time for charity.

“The amount we would want to win before giving up our day job shows that we are cautious and tend to think long term when it comes to retirement – we want to ensure we have enough money to last through the years before entirely giving up work.”

Upon winning a large sum of money, 83% of Britons would not tell their boss, with just 8% saying they would admit to how much they had won.

While 46% would confide in their colleagues about their winnings, but 32% would disclose the amount won.

Unsurprisingly, we are most likely to share the good news with our family (83%) and friends (73%).

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