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Footballer and Somme Hero Remembered

The passing of World War One hero Donald Bell VC was marked on the 100th anniversary of his death…

The former professional footballer was honoured and remembered as two of his former clubs Bradford Park Avenue and Newcastle United faced each other in a friendly game at Avenue’s Horsfall Stadium.

Ahead of the game members of Bell’s family were invited to the club’s media suite to see an unveiling of a display showing his career and his heroics at the Somme.

Serving at the Somme with the Green Howards, Bell became the only footballer in history to be awarded the Victoria Cross for a remarkable show of athleticism and bravery.

His citation for the award of the Victoria Cross explains the events that occurred at the Horseshoe Trench:

"For most conspicuous bravery. During an attack a very heavy enfilade fire was opened on the attacking company by a hostile machine gun. 2nd Lt. Bell immediately, and on his own initiative, crept up a communication trench and then, followed by Corpl. Colwill and Pte. Batey, rushed across the open under very heavy fire and attacked the machine gun, shooting the firer with his revolver, and destroying gun and personnel with bombs. This very brave act saved many lives and ensured the success of the attack"

Just five days after his heroics he was shot by a German sniper as he attempted to perform the same actions.

A crowd of 675 were there to witness the commeratitve match, including Bell’s Great Niece Janet Bates and she explained just what the day meant to everybody in his family.

She said "It’s fantastic to see Donald being remembered. He has always been remembered in our family and we knew he admired and acted as an inspiration to people. The welcome has been wonderful and we are very grateful that they are helping to keep Donald’s memory and his actions alive"

Bradford Park Avenue also became the latest National League Football Club to sign the Armed Forces Covenant ahead of the match.

Newcastle United won the game 3-0 but on such a special day the result was the last thing on the minds of those in attendance.

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