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Founders of Help for Heroes visit the Victory Services Club

Help for Heroes have generously donated £100,000 to the Victory Services Club

The donation has been used to fund special facilities for two fully equipped rooms for the disabled. These rooms are used for“Respite and Welfare Breaks” which are offered to those who have been wounded on operations. The Club will be delighted to receive Bryn and Emma Parry, Help for Heroes founders, on the 14th March 2012 when they will unveil the plaques for each room.

During their visit to the Club, they will tour the Club’s “disabled pathway” with the Chairman, General James Gordon and the CEO, Brigadier Roy Lennox. The Club is very much looking forward to hosting the H4H couple who, with the British public’s support, set up the charity that has raised a truly magnificent £127 million to support wounded members of the Armed Forces.

The Club has been offering “Respite and Welfare Breaks” since the Iraq and Afghanistan operations began and the completion of the Club’s Centenary Wing in 2009. The Centenary Wing has 66 “disabled friendly” rooms and 9 fully DDA compliant rooms for the disabled. As a charity, the Victory Services Club, relies on donations to ensure accommodation is deserving of our Armed Forces and the maimed in particular.

“Respite and Welfare” breaks are provided for the wounded who are recovering from serious war wounds from current and past operational theatres. The breaks include provision for a carer and have benefited those who are genuinely distressed and in need of a break in the Nation’s Capital. This also applies to those who are identified by the major Armed Forces charities as suitable beneficiaries of this scheme. A “Respite and Welfare” break can make such a huge difference to the well-being of injured personnel:

“Corporal Coogan came to see me on his return to work this week and told me of the fantastic service you offered him throughout his stay at the Club. He commented all your staff were extremely helpful and really couldn’t have done anymore to accommodate them. The facilities, rooms and restaurant that you have there were excellent. It was a difficult few days for Corporal Coogan and his family but having the opportunity to stay at the Victory Services Club relieved a lot of the stress they were under”. Unit Welfare Officer, Marlborough Barracks – March 2011

More about The Victory Services Club

The Victory Services Club is a Tri-Service, All RanksClub for both serving and retired members of the Armed Forces including the Reserves. Membership is open to All Ranks of the British Armed Forces (Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Army and the Royal Air Force) and those of all Allied, Commonwealth and NATO countries.

Serving and Retired members of the Armed Forces, their families, widows and widowers are all welcome. The Club offers the bedroom facilities at a 50% discount to those returning on R&R through their “Haven for Heroes” scheme that was launched by General The Lord Dannatt and Martin Bell back in 2007. It has 191 bedrooms, a restaurant, a bar, a reading room, and substantial events and conferencing facilities for re-unions both large and small.

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