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FREE All Ranks Job Search Seminar

Considering A Career in Facilities Management, or Anything Else for that Matter?

If you are less than 100% sure about what you want to do for your next career, or how you are going to make it happen, then, thanks to the kind sponsorship of the British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM), you are invited to attend a FREE Job Search Seminar. The seminar is a combination of a career coaching workshop, and practical guidance on job search campaign skills.

This all Services and All Ranks event, which is the sixth in this popular series of seminars, takes place in Central London on Thursday 5th June 2014. It is highly relevant to anyone and everyone who is leaving, considering leaving, or who has already left. Whatever your considerations for your next role, receiving a values check, and some sound advice for free is certainly a constructive use of an afternoon and evening.

Attendance is by booking only, so please register via where location, timings and other administrative matters are detailed. Please also note that this event precedes the Liquid List (London) where there is an opportunity to network with all sectors – not just Facilities Management (FM).

A Career in FM

FM is a profession that provides the opportunity for an exciting, reliable and lucrative career choice. The Armed Forces have been shown to be the third largest former professional background of FM professionals in the results of the 2012 FM World Salary Survey (BIFM’s magazine) with 10% of the sample having come from that background, proving that FM is fast becoming an obvious path for Service leavers.

Leaving the forces and embarking on a career in FM opens up a world of opportunity. FM professionals are responsible for services that enable and support business. Roles cover management of a wide range of areas including: health and safety, risk management, business continuity, procurement, sustainability, space planning, energy, property and asset management. They are typically responsible for activities such as catering, cleaning, building maintenance, environmental services, security and reception.

BIFM is the professional body for FM. It promotes excellence in FM for the benefit of practitioners, the economy and society. Supporting and representing over 14,000 members around the world, both individual FM professionals and organisations, and thousands more through qualifications and training.

With BIFM you can access: Membership; Qualifications (including ELCAS providers); Training; Networking; FM Career guides.

These words from a former Serviceman reinforces the relevance of FM as a suitable and challenging career for the Armed Forces:

"I left the Army as a captain in 1996 with no real qualifications (except the school of life and knocks!) and went into the world of “Commerce”. I quickly learned that the first role or roles you take are not what you end up doing and that it is really important not to worry about that, yet to gain “commercial experience” in any role. I moved into the FM sector, through the Manned guarding sector in a sales role.

"I worked hard on developing my knowledge of “commercial” and sales key things, like “Gross Margin”, “Net margin”, turnover, cashflow etc. It is a long process, yet something all ex-military people have an aptitude for as they have had similar experience in the military. I took every opportunity offered, including education and courses and slowly yet surely build up my skills, network and experience. Your network is key to your success and all ex-military people are good at making new “acquaintances” all over the world in challenging environments – so commercial networking is very similar, only in this “environment” you do not get shot at!

"I was headhunted three times and moved each time to bigger, better, more challenging roles (for more pay!), whist always using my PEOPLE and man management skills learnt in the Military to great effect. I ran small teams, then bigger teams and progressed steadily from Sales to Operations. I combined my commercial education, my experience and my FM education through BIFM in order to progress. I took eight years to gain the BIFM part 1 (Technical) and Part 2 (strategy) exams, leading to an 18 month selection process for becoming a Fellow of the BIFM (FBIFM).

"I am now one of 126 Fellows in the UK out of 17,000 members. I also continued my education and became a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (FRICS). I am now one of 2 ‘Double Fellows’ in the UK with both qualifications. If a Platoon Command is a small team of 15-50 PEOPLE, a Company Command is 150-200 people, Battalion Comman is 600-1000 people, then Brigade Command is anything from 1000 upwards! This will give you a good idea of what level you may work towards in civilian terms. It will take you quite some time (unless you are very lucky) to get the same level of responsibility you currently have in the military, however, keep working hard and diligently and it will happen over time.

"I was recently headhunted to lead a £90m turnover company in the Manned Guarding Sector, back to where I started over 15 years ago selling door to door on the streets of London. I am now a Managing Director (“Brigade Commander”), managing a team of over 4300 PEOPLE, which is very exciting, challenging, rewarding and fun. The saying is that “overnight success takes 15-20 years!” So if you “go for it” try everything that comes your way, find what you enjoy, stick at it, network, develop, train hard and exceed and deliver time after time you will be successful! Sounds like what you did in the Military, Don’t you think!

I am always delighted to help ex-military PEOPLE and look forward to hearing from you if you need some advice. My name is Edward Macfarlane FBIFM

Of course not everyone either wants to work in FM so a crucial aspect of this Seminar is to make Job Seekers more aware of their values and how to ‘sell’ themselves. Harnessing years of collective experience and have again combined to bring this event to Job Seekers.

Remember: Registration for this event is essential, so book your place now via to avoid disappointment

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