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Marathon Des Sables Kicks Off Felix Fund’s Biggest Fundraising Challenge

An inspirational series of events hoping to raise a record amount for the charity Felix Fund has begun with one of its greatest heroes, Captain James Wadsworth, completing the infamous Marathon des Sables in the Saharan Desert…

Felix Fund, which provides financial grants and welfare to those affected by bomb disposal careers in the armed forces and police, has provided a total of £1.5 million in care since 2011. In 2015/16 alone, it granted £147,000 to families and individuals in need of significant support. In 2016/17 it hopes to reach £150,000.

Captain James Wadsworth, who received the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross for his bravery during combat in Iraq, made the perfect start to the fundraising mission by completing the 251km course in the sweltering temperatures of Morocco. So far, he has raised over £2,000.

Carrying all his supplies on his back and rationing his water carefully so not to receive a time penalty, Capt. Wadsworth completed the course between 7th–14th April. Donations to mark the achievement can still be made

Capt. Wadsworth said: “Having completed multiple ultra-marathons in the past, I knew this would be the toughest yet. I was worried about the pain before I started, but I knew I could get through it. It is an honour to run for my colleagues and I hope others will join us in the events to come.”

With the sand dunes no doubt still drifting in Capt. Wadsworth’s memory, other fundraisers across the UK are planning to complete events of their own. 10 members of the Felix Fund Welfare Team are set for an exhausting 100km journey on the Thames Path Challenge.

The team is hoping to attract more fundraising participants for the event which takes place on 12th–16th June. Walkers, joggers and runners will travel from Abingdon to the Thames Barrier on a route which includes many memorable scenic spots. Donors should

The following weekend, on Saturday 24th June, Widnes Golf Club is hosting a Felix Fund Charity Golf Day. Individuals and teams can enter to play the men’s or women’s course at 5,700 and 5,500 yards (69 and 70 par), respectively. Food and drinks are provided with all donations welcome

Fun runners can also support the charity this summer by taking part in the London 10k on Sunday 9th July. Thousands of trainers will pound the streets of the city’s West End – including Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square and Westminster – with a delicious picnic organised after the race in St James’s Park. One brave runner will be taking part wearing the Felix mascot costume.To make a donation,

Those hoping to take part in the Thames Path Challenge, Charity Golf Day or London 10k events can contact Felix Fund by calling 07713752901 or by

Melanie Moughton, Chief Executive Officer of Felix Fund, said: “I am always so proud to see people pushing their physical boundaries for our cause. Without their efforts, we wouldn’t be able to stand by our bravest men and women as they work to remove explosive devises at home and abroad. We value everyone’s contribution hugely.”

Felix Fund delivers welfare and financial support to those who have served, are serving or will serve in Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and related search duties.

The charity’s welfare activities focus on mental health support. Having played a significant part in the care of over 100 EOD teams returning from the Afghanistan conflict, now the charity offers Dashboard Courses on mindfulness: building awareness of the warning signs linked to mental health problems and sharing coping techniques.

The charity’s financial support meets the needs of individuals and families at the most difficult times. Transportation to regular hospital appointments, adapted disability equipment and funeral costs have all been provided to help ease the pressures inherent in some of life’s most challenging and complex circumstances.

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