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Ministerial Praise For Ex-Military Employment Project

Secretary of State for Transport Chris Grayling has toured Britain’s Bravest Manufacturing Company (BBMC) – a social enterprise which employs injured veterans and people with disabilities – as part of the government’s plan to help one million more disabled people into work…

The Transport Secretary met with workers at the Kent-based BBMC, which is run by charity Royal British Legion Industries and employs more than 100 people – more than 70% of whom are ex-service personnel, have a physical or hidden disability, or both.

The visit to the factory, which produces road and rail signs for companies across both the public and private sector including Network Rail and Kent County Council, comes after the government announced the major new strategy called ‘Improving Lives: the Future of Work, Health and Disability’.

The plan, announced last November following a green paper in 2016, pledges to get one million more disabled people into work by 2027.

Transport Secretary Chris Grayling said: “Britain’s Bravest Manufacturing Company are industry leaders in the transport sector whilst also providing phenomenal employment opportunities to people with disabilities and injured ex-service personnel.

“The commitment and drive I witnessed today only goes to support the government’s position that when people with disabilities are given the opportunity of employment, they can achieve the highest of standards.”

RBLI’s Chief Executive Brigadier Steve Sherry CMG OBE, who served in the Army for 38 years, said the recent accomplishments of Britain’s Bravest Manufacturing Company, who last year secured a multimillion pound deal with Network Rail, is a testament to the potential of people with disabilities.

“We are immensely proud at RBLI to say that Britain’s Bravest Manufacturing Company is a commercially sustainable and socially-thriving enterprise, recognised by individuals such as the Secretary of State for its commitment to offering people the opportunity to really succeed in life.

“Having seen the tremendously positive affect employment has on people with disabilities, we fully support the government in their commitment to help one million more disabled people into work.”

Amongst the veterans working at BBMC is former Royal Engineer Tim Brown who was diagnosed with PTSD after 23 years in the Armed Forces which saw him tour in the Gulf War, Bosnia, Northern Ireland, and Iraq. Tim, who is now a team leader in the factory’s fulfilment department, said he found Royal British Legion Industries at a good time in his life.

He added: “I have done and seen things in my life that most people wouldn’t dream of, and so to come to somewhere like this, it’s peaceful, calm and safe. To be part of that is brilliant.

“I do think there are people here who may find it difficult to sustain a job outside of RBLI, but here disabilities are catered for and people are cared for. It’s an amazing place to work because everybody looks after each other – from the very top to the bottom. I come to work with a smile – I never did that when I was doing any other job.”


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