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New Funding For Veterans Criminal Justice Programme

Police and Crime Commissioner for West Mercia, John Campion, has committed an additional £25,000 to help strengthen the pathways and services for veterans…

The Remember Veterans project, which was set up in 2016 after receiving funding from the Armed Forces Covenant, aims to help ex-service personnel integrate back into civilian life and prevent them from coming into contact with the criminal justice system.

It is estimated that between five and ten per cent of the prison population consists of ex- service personnel. Recognising that this was a failing, and the existing support groups weren’t joined up, the project aimed to improve signposting and access to services designed to service-personnel’s needs and divert them away from the criminal justice system.

Mr Campion said: “The commitment I made when the project first launched is the same commitment I make today – I will work hard to understand the needs of veterans and make sure that they have access to the relevant support services.

“Those who make sacrifices for their country deserve to be supported so they don’t face the difficulties that all too many ex-service personnel face when leaving the military. The project has already helped a number of veterans and I look forward to helping many more in this next phase.”



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