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OA Launches Hon Reps Roadshow

Members of the Officers’ Association network of volunteers attended the first in a series of roadshows in London…

The Honorary Representatives (Hon Reps) provide a crucial link with beneficiaries. They visit applicants in their home to understand their situation, across the UK and overseas.

The information is then passed to the Benevolence Team in London, which assesses their needs and organises the support required.

The roadshow took place in London and is part of series happening across the country, including in Bournemouth and Manchester. The Hon Reps learnt about the latest OA and charity sector news, as well as preparing for the new general data protection regulation, which comes into effect in May.

Nigel Hare, OA Head of Benevolence, said: “These roadshows are important for supporting our Hon Reps, and the amazing work they do for us. They help us to decide how to best support beneficiaries.”


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