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PM Announces UK Deployment For NATO Mission In Aegean Sea To Tackle Migrant Crisis

The Prime Minister has announced that naval ship Mounts Bay will support the international response to the migrant crisis in the Aegean Sea…

As the Prime Minister attends an EU summit on the migration crisis, the Royal Navy is deploying amphibious landing ship royal fleet auxiliary (RFA) Mounts Bay alongside 2 border force cutters to join the NATO mission in the Aegean Sea that aims to reduce the flow of migrants from Turkey to Europe.

RFA Mounts Bay, supported by a Wildcat helicopter, is identifying smugglers taking migrants to Greece and passing the information to the Turkish coastguard so they can intercept these boats. They are supported by 3 border force boats – VOS Grace which is already in the Aegean; the cutter Protector which is on its way to the region and a further Border Force cutter that is expected to start operations later this month.

With migrant arrivals in Greece still averaging 1,800 a day in February and over 116,000 arrivals across the Aegean already this year, European countries are stepping up their efforts with Turkey to break the business model of the people smuggling criminal gangs which are exploiting people and putting lives at risk every day.

At an EU summit in Brussels, the Prime Minister called on European partners to focus on 3 priorities:

Speaking ahead of the summit, the Prime Minister said: "This migration crisis is the greatest challenge facing Europe today. Britain has not faced anywhere near the scale of migrants coming to Europe as other countries because we are out of Schengen and retain control of our borders. But where we can help, we should. And we’ve got to break the business model of the criminal smugglers and stop the desperate flow of people crammed into makeshift vessels from embarking on a fruitless and perilous journey.

"That’s why this NATO mission is so important. It’s an opportunity to stop the smugglers and send out a clear message to migrants contemplating journeys to Europe that they will be turned back. That’s why the UK is providing vital military assets to work with our European partners and support this mission."

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