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Poppyscotland On The Lookout For Fundraising Help

Scotland’s leading Armed Forces charity is searching for a new Scottish Poppy Appeal Area Organiser (AO) to lead the fundraising push in Dunblane this year and beyond…

Poppyscotland Head of Fundraising Gordon Michie explains: “We’re looking for individuals, groups of friends, or community organisations that have good organisational skills to step forward to lead this year’s Appeal in Dunblane. Last year, £13,500 was raised in the area, but, without your help, we will struggle to collect even a fraction of that amount.

“By volunteering for Poppyscotland you will be helping us transform the lives of Scottish veterans, those currently serving, and their families who are in need. The money raised from the annual Poppy Appeal enables us to provide life-changing support to those affected by many issues including poverty, mental health problems and disability.”

Mr Michie added: “Volunteering with us also offers some great benefits for you, too; our volunteers gain a real sense of achievement, immense pride and satisfaction by doing something worthwhile. It’s also a great opportunity to meet new people and have fun while giving something back, so, if this sounds like something for you, please do get in touch.”

Area Organisers form a 420-strong team covering every city, town and village in Scotland. They help the charity to pin more than five million poppies on to Scotland’s coats, jackets and jumpers. The Scottish Poppy Appeal raised around the £3 million mark last year thanks to the support of the public and the dedication of 10,000 volunteers.

For more information or to chat about this great opportunity, please contact Sally McNaught, Deputy Head of Fundraising at Poppyscotland, on 0131 550 1559, or e-mail at









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