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RAF Team Completes Challenging New Zealand Race

The OA sponsored team of RAF Officers has finished the tough GODZone Pure adventure…

The team comprised of four RAF officers: Squadron Leader Jamie Buckle, Squadron Leader Penny Grayson, Flight Lieutenant Charlie Butterfield and Flight Lieutenant Laura Frowen. They entered the race as part of the RAF centenary celebrations, and their team number was 100.

The GODZone Pure was in the stunning Fiordland of New Zealand. More than 390 racers, from around the world, competed in unsupported teams of four, travelling across approximately 373 miles (600 kilometres) of wilderness.

The RAF officers endured tough conditions, such as traversing the 1,715 metre high Mount Titiroa, followed by a 150 metre free abseil. The team trekked through sharp tree ferns, cutting any exposed skin, and battled 40 kilometres of white water rapids. They swam through cold water in dark caverns, and navigated through thick undergrowth.

The officers rode and carried mountain bikes on disused trails through a forest, crossing on dilapidated bridges. Local New Zealanders gave excellent support, offering encouragement and refreshments on route.

Flight Lieutenant Laura Frowen said: “The race simply would not have been possible without the wonderful help from the Officers’ Association, so we’re very grateful for your continued support. We’re all home now and recovering – there’s already discussion about a next adventure!”


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