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Royal Patronage Of Cobseo, The Confederation Of Service Charities, To Continue

The Chairman of Cobseo, the Confederation of Service Charities, Lieutenant General Sir Andrew Ridgway, is delighted to announce that The Prince of Wales willcontinue as Patron of the Confederation for a further term…

His Royal Highness first agreed to be Patron in 2011 and, with his support, during this time the Confederation has grown from 160 members to over 260 Fulland Associate members; all of which are Charities and Organisations that promote and further the welfare and general interests of the Armed Forces Community.
The Confederation provides a point of contact for interaction with Government, including local government and the Devolved Administrations; with the RoyalHousehold; with the Private Sector; and of course, with other members of the Armed Forces Community. This allows members of the Confederation to interactwith all interested parties and especially to cooperate and collaborate with others in order to provide the best possible level of support to ourbeneficiaries.
Lieutenant General Sir Andrew Ridgway, Chairman of the Confederation commented: “The continued support of His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales in theConfederation highlights the importance of the work we are doing within our sector. The variation and breadth of our membership illustrates the complex needsand diversity of the UK Armed Forces community.
"It is a testament to the collaborative efforts of the membership the Confederation as well as those civilian-focused charities supporting our sector thatour Confederation goes from strength to strength; something which is made ever stronger by Royal support; we look forward to working with His Royal Highnessover the coming years.”