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Secretary Of State Meets Veterans Outreach Project

The Secretary of State for Defence, Rt Hon Gavin Williamson CBE, met staff from the national charity of the Royal Navy alongside guests from Veterans Outreach Support (VOS) and Portsmouth City Council…

The Secretary of State visited HMS Excellent to hear about the work undertaken by the RNRMC and the essential support offered to Naval Veterans by VOS.

Veterans Outreach Support is a local armed forces charity and beneficiary of the RNRMC, who provide a monthly drop-in facility for ex-service people and their direct family members.

In a presentation Nigel Turner, a former Royal Navy sailor who has been helped by VOS, explained how the charity saved his life:

“I have a mental illness and Veterans Outreach Support saved my life. Within 30 minutes of walking through the doors, I was processed, assessed, looked after and had seen a psychiatrist. I have nothing but praise for this positive, progressive organisation.”

Last year, the RNRMC recognised the vital work undertaken by VOS having delivered a grant of £25,000 to help them support 280 of their beneficiaries. From life changing grants during times of immediate need, to smaller deployment grants that aide morale and retention – the RNRMC works hard to ensure that no one in the fleet is forgotten.

For more information on the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity, please click here or to find out more about the services offered by Veterans Outreach Support, click here.






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