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Service Children ‘Significantly Underrepresented At University’

Service children’s experiences may often give them skills and attributes valued by universities but this is not backed up by attainment in higher education…

Research by the University of Winchester has shown Service children to be significantly underrepresented in our Higher Education institutions and the Service Children’s Progression Alliance is working to find out more.

Following the Alliance’s work, the new Office For Students recommends that HE institutions should be looking at support for this group’s access and success at HE.

The Service Children’s Progression Alliance has a growing network of hubs across the UK bringing professionals together to make sure this cohort are supported in their education and empowered to make an informed choice about their future.

A conference will explore the evidence and develop strategies for action on both a national and local level. The Alliance is calling on experts, politicians, government departments and the education sector to come together at London’s Victory Services Club on Monday 8th October to make the connections and the plans necessary to effect change for these young people.

To register please click here.

For more information about the Service Children’s Progression Alliance, please visit and sign up under ‘get involved’.

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