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Service Dogs UK – “Two at a Time”

To coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week, Service Dogs UK have released a 16-minute video that details the transformative work they do for members of the Armed Forces and Emergency Services community, like Jordan and his service dog, Teddy.

It is a compelling and heartwarming journey into the lives of those affected by PTSD and the positive changes that this small charity is bringing about, for veterans, their families, and for the dogs themselves.

The video is available to watch here

Through the eyes of Jordan and Teddy, the video explores the debilitating symptoms of PTSD, touching on the loneliness, isolation, and inability to leave the house or engage in normal activities frequently experienced by those with the condition, and the life-changing impact the partnership has had on Jordan’s life.

The video explores the special bond between Jordan and his service dog Teddy as they go about their everyday lives; in training sessions and in Jordan’s work in the Ambulance Service. The viewer sees the often raw emotion expressed by Jordan as he describes the life changing effect that Teddy has had on his life and that of his family.

“To be able to go to family parties, or even just a family gathering … to be able to live a life, and be able to interact, is amazing for him, it’s great for his self-esteem but it’s great for me as well because now I’ve got a husband again and I’m not on my own,” says Mary Clare Chapman, Jordan’s wife.

The video also features commentary by Garry Botterill and Ian Spencer from Service Dogs UK, Mary Clare and Louise Crawford from the Dogs Trust, as they explain the charity background and how suitable dogs are sourced from rescue for Service Dogs UK. Uniquely, the dogs are trained by the veterans themselves, with an emphasis on building confidence, trust, and positivity; it is through this approach that the charity changes two lives at a time; for those who have served, and for dogs who have come from rescue.

“We’ve got two beings that have had a bit of a ropey start, and together they overcome the difficulties they’ve got, and they lean on each other to get to where they need to be.” says Garry Botterill, Founder of Service Dogs UK.

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