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Sign Up To SSAFA’s New Pilot ‘Family Break’

As 2018 gets into full swing, SSAFA is excited to propose a new pilot for the Family Break…

This new format will be open exclusively to military families who have children with additional needs and disabilities. It offers a weekend away at the Calvert Trust Exmoor on 23rd March 2018, for which there are 30 places.

The Calvert Trust is a fully accessible centre which “enables people with physical, learning, behaviour and sensory disabilities to experience exciting, challenging and enjoyable outdoor activities.”

The aim is to give military families the opportunity to spend quality time together whilst challenging themselves through outdoor activities and seeing each other achieve.

The cost to attend this 3 night family beak is £150 per person. The Calvert Trust expects a deposit of £50 per person on application and remaining payment must be paid by 16 March 2018.

If you are interested visit the Calvert Trust Exmoor website for more information or call 01598 763221 to request an application form.

Deadline for applications: 28 February 2018

The Calvert Trust has kindly offered SSAFA a discounted rate, but if cost is an issue please contact Frances Robinson (SSAFA Additional Needs & Disability Advisor) to discuss –


• All children within the family must be between 3 – 18 years

• Children are dependents of a current serving person or reservist

• One child attending must have an additional need and/or disability

• At least one parent must attend the break with their children

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