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Standard Learning Credits: Temporary Policy To Be Made Permanent

A temporary policy introduced for the Standard Learning Credits scheme (SLC) will be made permanent and amends made to the JSP 822 accordingly.

The changes introduced last year as an intermediate measure are found in 2020DIN07-118 and will be written into JSP 822 shortly.

The changes mean the SLC can be used for a broader range of personal learning and education activities and unlike previously, courses DO NOT need to lead to a qualification. Previously, to qualify for SLC funding, the course of study must have led to a nationally recognised qualification, have substantial developmental value and directly benefit the Service – this is no longer the case.

As confirmed, “As long as the course is in the interest of the Services, there’s no requirement for the courses to lead to a formal qualification.”

The Defence Information Notice (DIN) also adds that for online courses “SLCs can be used for one-off payments or upgrade fees to access a particular course or programme.”

Coursebooks and or training materials can also be purchased via SLCs. “SLCs can be used where there is a requirement within a course to purchase course books or training materials.”

Whilst the 2020DIN07-118 has not yet been rewritten to include the maintenance of the changes, they will be written in to the new JSP 822 to formalise.  Service Personnel can access the notification for the changes – – and the current policy –

The DIN also goes on to state:


Standard Learning Credits: The Basics

Please see your local education centre for more information on both SLCs and Enhanced Learning Credits (ELC).


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