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Summer Is No Exception To The Importance Of Networking

A turn out on the 1st June witnessed a fascinating talk by Ed Murphy on the structure of the Financial Services (FS) industry and why Service folk are so widely sought after by FS companies. His speaking notes will appear in Edition 12 of Net News…

The next Liquid List (London) will take place on Thursday 6th July. The Guest Speaker will be Rachel (Cameron-Dick) Coldham, Programme and Project Management Consultant.

Hope to see you there.

General Matters

For those who are curious about the workings of these meetings they may wish to listen in to the radio interviews that reflect the views of an Air Vice Marshal through to an RLC Corporal:

Please note that general enquiries about these monthly nationwide meetings should be addressed to The List via, in the first instance, Any questions about Liquid List (London) should be referred to Mike Nicholson

Potential newcomers to these events should be aware of three important points:

1. ALL RANKS are invited – they are not for the exclusive benefit of the Officer Corps

2. While the Guest Speakers may focus on a particular sector many other In Business attendees will be there to answer questions across the employment board

3. Be you a Job Seeker or employed with a wish to give something back to the ‘system’ your attendance at these meetings is requested

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