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Taking On 100K To Help Our Veterans

A couple from North Yorkshire are training to complete a 100 kilometre walk in the Yorkshire dales for Blind Veterans UK, the national charity for vision-impaired ex-Service men and women…

Ruth and David Fisher, from Birstwith, were inspired to sign up to the ultra-challenge after meeting a group of walkers who were themselves competing in last year’s walk.

Ruth, 49, explains: “We were out walking our dog on a path that’s used by the 100k Yorkshire, when we met and chatted to a few of the participants. Some of the group were actually blind veterans, which David and I just found incredibly inspirational. 100km is no ordinary undertaking, especially if you’re vision impaired. Yet that determination and positivity of these men was awe-inspiring!”

With Ruth and David both set to celebrate significant birthdays this year, the challenge also presents them with an opportunity to extend the festivities.

David, 59, says: “We’ll be celebrating Ruth’s 50th this year, while I will be 60 not long after the event, so it just seemed like an unmissable opportunity! It’s not often you get to take part in something that allows you to keep fit, challenge yourself and also commemorate not one, but two birthdays!”

David, who works in Financial Services, is no stranger to the military community and the bravery of those, both past and present, who serve our country. He explains: “My father was in the Desert Rats and served in North Africa and Monte Cassino during the Second World War, so it’s safe to say I come from a family in which the Armed Forces is held in high regard.”

With over six months to go until the event, Ruth and David have been steadily increasing their training to ensure they enter the race in peak physical condition. Ruth, who volunteers at Harlow Carr, a local RHS garden, says:

“We know that the nerves will inevitably build nearer the time, so we’ve been dedicating ourselves to the training, aiming for one long-walk per week alongside plenty of gym sessions and dog walks! The aim is to finish within 24 hours, and make no mistake, 23:59:59 would be absolutely fine by us.”

The 100k Yorkshire will take place from 23 – 24 June 2018. It will see participants start and finish at Darley Memorial Hall in Nidderdale, with a circular route which passes through Brimham Rocks, Ripley Castle and an abundance of stunning fields.

Registration is now open with a fee of £40 for individual and team entrants, and £90 for relay teams. There is a minimum sponsorship pledge of £300 for individuals, £1,250 for teams and £500 for relay teams. The all-inclusive entrance fee includes lunch, dinner and breakfast at numerous rest stops, snacks and refreshments along the route and a free event t-shirt.

To support Ruth and David as they takes on the 100k for Blind Veterans UK, please visit:

To sign up for the Blind Veterans UK 100k, please visit

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