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The BSI 2017 Resettlement Awards Best Academic Course Provider

We continue our look in depth at each category of the 2017 Resettlement Awards.

The Award for Best Academic Course Provider Catering for Service Leavers

In assessing award nominations for Best Academic Course Provider Catering For Service Leavers the judges base their decision on the following criteria:

Proactive marketing of academic courses to attract the interest of Service Leavers.

Academic Course Entry Requirements which reflect and acknowledge the Service Leaver’s experience and relevant training.

Degree of support offered to the Service Leaver by the Academic Course provider.

Number of Service Leavers catered for by the academic course provider.

Pass rate of Service Leavers.

The deadline for submitting an entry to be considered for an award is 5pm on Friday September 1st 2017.

Nominate/Enter here at

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