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The BSI 2017 Resettlement Awards Contribution to resettling Military Families

The Nationwide Award for Outstanding Contribution to Resettling Military Families

We continue our in depth look at the 2017 BSI Resettlement Awards and the categories in focus.

This award recognises a person or an organisation who has gone above and beyond in their support for, and dedication to, military families who are currently going through transition from the Armed Forces.

In assessing nominations for this award the judges will look for nominees to be able to demonstrate evidence of the following:

An acute understanding of the issues and concerns family members face when their Service person is leaving the Forces.

Able to demonstrate that they have put the needs of family members affected by transition at the forefront of their work.

Have improved the quality of life of family members experiencing transition from the Armed Forces.

The deadline for submitting an entry to be considered for an award is 5pm on Friday September 1st 2017.

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