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The Forces In Mind Trust Showcases Its Achievements And Signposts The Future In Its Latest Activity

The Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT), established to enable ex-Service personnel and their families to lead successful and fulfilled civilian lives, marks the end of its fourth year as a grant-awarding, evidence-generating Trust with the release of its 2015 Activity Report…

The Report, launched at a highly successful South West regional briefing in Plymouth on 22nd July, describes how in 2015, Forces in Mind Trust made awards of over £2½ million, launched a ground-breaking Mental Health Research Programme, and published numerous reports that continue to influence and inform policy makers and service deliverers.

The 2015 Activity Report also marks the first formal publication of Forces in Mind Trust’s change model, which has allowed the Trust to adopt a proactive approach to identifying gaps in evidence and support, based around the six outcomes of transition: housing; health and wellbeing; finance; employment; the criminal justice system; and relationships.

The 2015 Activity Report can be downloaded here

Some of the key activities described in the highly readable Report are:

Over the course of 2015, Forces in Mind Trust awarded 18 grants, totaling £2.56 million and bringing the total amount awarded since the Trust was founded to around £7 million.Full details of all awards and finances are published in the Trustees’ Annual Report

Air Vice-Marshal Ray Lock, Chief Executive of the Forces in Mind Trust, said: “2015 was an extremely busy and influential year for the Forces in Mind Trust. We have worked across the UK with events held and grant awards made in all four countries. By better understanding the challenges and obstacles facing ex-Service personnel and their families in transition, we are influencing the policies and service delivery that will help to overcome these challenges.Our properly conceived change model has now given us the knowledge and the confidence to make an even greater contribution towards our vision that all ex-Service personnel and their families enjoy successful and fulfilled civilian lives.”

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