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‘The History Of UK Business And Management Education’

The 6th October 2010 saw the launch of ‘The History of UK Business and Management Education’ in conjunction with the Association of Business Schools by Allan P.O. Williams.

Professor Williams is Emeritus Professor at Cass Business School, City University London. His publications relate mainly to Human Resources Management (HRM) and organisational development, and more recently to leadership and organisational histories.

Jonathan Slack, Chief Executive of the ABS is delighted that this book is in circulation and says:

“This is a book that draws together the main influences that have resulted in the impressive emergence of business schools in the UK, and identifies the main institutions and individuals involved. While the American influence on the development of UK business schools is acknowledged, the emphasis in this book is on UK contributions. The book includes a historic overview identifying the milestones in the last two centuries, with particular attention being paid to the twentieth century. The impressive growth of management education in the last fifty years would not have taken place without the creation of supportive institutions. Through their regulatory and informative roles these institutions ensured that growth was accompanied by high standards in teaching and research, thus enabling business schools to make effective contributions to the social and economic needs of society”.

For review copies and more information, please contact Rachel Mannett on

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