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The OA Provides An Opportunity To Boost Your LinkedIn Profile

The Officers’ Association is holding its next LinkedIn workshop in Salford on 29th September 2016…

Following on from a series of similar successful events this year, the OA has invited social media consultant Lincoln Coutts to take the mystery out of LinkedIn and disclose the secrets to creating a profile that represents users to employers in the best possible light.

Renowned expert Lincoln has over 14 years experience in HR consulting and over ten years in social media consulting. Lincoln has trained over 7000 people on building their digital footprint, both personally and within the business environment. His background, on advising companies on social media, ranges from SMEs to FTSE 50. He is a visiting lecturer at a number of Business Schools, including London Business School and Said Business School.

Liz Stevens, Head of Employment Services at the OA says of the event “With an ever increasing number of LinkedIn users from job seekers to employers alike, the OA has recognised that for many, their LinkedIn profile isn’t getting the attention it should be. This event hopes to address this issue and Lincoln is very well placed to do offer advice and guidance on how to achieve this. ”

Liz continues: “Attended by Officers who may be currently serving, transitioning or have already moved into civilian employment, getting the most out of their LinkedIn profile is crucial in getting the most out of their career opportunities.”

The OA event will run with morning and afternoon sessions and on the same day nearby, the CTP is holding an Employment Fair providing the opportunity to meet local and national employers with both current and future job vacancies.

For further information or to register at the OA LinkedIn event, please

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