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The Walk Of America Has Begun – Follow Their Progress

A team of veterans from the UK and the US have set off on a 1,000 mile journey through America to visit places relevant to their recovery and their future, to raise awareness and funds for the invisible wounds of war…

This extraordinary group have all struggled since being medically discharged from the military and deserve our support, along with the wider community which they represent.

All funds raised will support those men and women in the UK and the US who served so selflessly on our behalf, but are now struggling with their mental health.

Every day the walk uncovers a new story – from newly formed friendships, to the amazing people that the team meet along the way. The homeless man on the street who donated, through to the Italian Mastiff who provided the best cuddle when some of the team were feeling tired.

Make sure you follow their progress on the live tracker and see the walk through their eyes on Instagram.

Two of the core UK Expedition Team, Kev Carr and Jonny Burns, are currently being supported by Walking With The Wounded. They were both homeless, socially isolated and struggling with their mental health before seeking support.

With your help, the Walk Of America will enable WWTW to support even more wounded veterans like Kev and Jonny back into independence. Why not host an American themed BBQ, or have a Bagel Breakfast at work?

Click here to find out how YOU can become a Walk Of America Fundraiser this summer.






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