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Veterans’ Mission To Drive Economic Growth


The iconic Silverstone provides the backdrop to career conversations on 4th March as the UK’s largest Armed Forces’ National Transition Event (NTE) and Troops’ Track Day return to the Wing and GP Circuit, delivered once again by the Forces’ Motorsport Charity, Mission Motorsport.

Veterans are good for growth and with around 15k leaving the armed forces each year, this provides an often-untapped resource for society. The business community, including the innovative sectors such as automotive, renewable, manufacturing, AI and tech can all help improve the life chances of Veterans and their families and by doing so, unlock a UK strategic asset. Everyone benefits, including the economy.

NTE at Silverstone provides a fun, informative and exciting event that brings this all together with over 1,000 members of the Armed Forces community expected to attend.

This year’s theme ‘Driving collaboration, innovation and growth’ chimes perfectly with a sense of economic optimism, one that sees Veterans playing a significant part, showcasing our Armed Forces community, whilst at the same time, offering attendees the chance to experience the world-famous GP Circuit; activity that takes place whilst networking, keynote speeches, and a business marketplace happen in Silverstone’s Wing conference centre overlooking the track.

This event also drives better public perceptions of Veteran value by showcasing what they have to offer by meeting the Veterans themselves and the organisations that benefit from their skills and experience.  Through a collaborative approach, NTE brings these communities together under one roof and track in the largest and most ambitious event of this kind held annually in the UK.

Last year, and expected again for NTE24, keynote speaker Veterans’ Minister Rt Hon Johnny Mercer MP said of the event:

“What Mission Motorsport have done here in the automotive industry creating clear pathways to employment for Service Leavers is extraordinary. They’ve had hundreds of employers here today, and thousands of Service Leavers.  eople who leave the military are incredibly talented. All they need is the opportunity.”

Whether you’re a business looking for new talent, a Veteran after that next opportunity, a charity looking to help others, or a member of the Armed Forces community wishing to experience the thrill of racing around Silverstone’s GP Circuit, NTE offers something for you on 4 March. This one-of-a-kind event puts Veterans firmly in the driving seat of the UK’s economic growth agenda. And you can be part of it too.

Find out more here.

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