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Veterans Take Poppy To The Prime Minister

Poppy Appeal ambassadors Roy Miller, 92, and Stewart Harris, 32, made the annual visit to Downing Street on behalf of The Royal British Legion to offer the Prime Minister an opportunity to donate for a poppy…

Veterans Roy and Stewart both feature in this year’s Poppy Appeal campaign which is inviting the public to ‘Rethink Remembrance’. The Legion has released four films online to challenge the commonly held view that the poppy and Remembrance are associated only with the First and Second World Wars and elderly veterans.

In his film, Second World War veteran Roytells a story about dealing with mental illness, however at the end it is revealed that this story does not belong to Roy, but is in fact Stewart’s story. Through the unexpected twist, the Legion is asking the public to recognise there is a new generation of veterans who need their support.

Roy and Stewart, who formed a strong bond during filming, were reunited to meet the Prime Minister and have their picture taken on the steps of No.10.

Prime Minister Theresa May said: “It was an absolute pleasure to meet two of the many veterans who have made such sacrifices to keep us safe. The Royal British Legion does fantastic work in supporting former and serving Armed Forces personnel across all generations and I am delighted to make a contribution to such a worthy cause.

“As a Government we are firmly committed to doing all we can to ensure that those who serve or have served and their families are treated fairly. Through the Armed Forces Covenant we are providing a wide range of practical support including helping thousands of forces families to buy their own home and ensuring that veterans are given the support they need as they make the transition to civilian life.”

During the Poppy Appeal 2016, 45 million poppies will be distributed with the aim of raising £43 million for the Legion’s vital work with Serving personnel, veterans and their families.

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