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Walk Home For Christmas For Wounded Veterans

This December will see people across the UK pulling on their walking boots and Santa hats to have an adventure on their doorsteps, be it 1 mile or 100 in support ofhomeless and other vulnerable veterans…

They will be challenging colleagues and friends to walk to Christmas parties, sporting fixtures, carol concerts or simply dodge the usual travel disruption by walkinghome -all for an amazing cause.

Last year over 2,000 people across the UK signed up to Walking With The Wounded’s Christmas campaign Walking Home For Christmas in a bid to have fun, get fit, andraise crucial funds to support veterans with physical, mental or social injuries:

The campaign raised more than £240,000 and over 5,000 miles were walked – supporting more than 250 vulnerable veterans re-integrate back into society and regain theirindependence.

Now, for the fourth year running, Walking With The Wounded is inviting people to dodge the traffic, ditch the train, car or bus and do their own walk anytime between1st – 26th December What about January ?. And this year walkers can also sign up as ‘Captains’ and lead a public walk to encourage more people to take part.

WWTW Director of Fundraising Andrew Cook said: “Many of our ex-military personnel face a Christmas and New Year without much sparkle. We are so grateful to the hugenumbers of you who accept our challenge to stride out on their behalf before Christmas, in a determined bid to help us put the twinkle back into their and theirfamilies’ eyes.”

Walking With The Wounded supports veterans with physical, mental or social injuries on their journey to long term security independence and employment.

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