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Commendations Awarded To Outstanding Individuals

General Sir Chris Deverell, Commander Joint Forces Command, has presented awards to 29 individuals at his official residence at Northwood Headquarters…

Commendations were presented to individuals from across the Command in recognition of outstanding work in support of JFC and the wider Ministry of Defence.

General Deverell met with recipients and their families and to offer his personal congratulations on their achievements. He said: “Joint Forces Command is full of bright, innovative and hardworking personnel. It is of particular importance to me that we recognise and celebrate their achievements.

“These individuals should serve as an inspiration to colleagues across the MOD and to the public. Their selfless dedication to duty is not only inspiring but plays a big part in protecting the national security of the UK. And we thank them for this.”

Awards were given to teams as well as individuals from JFC in recognition for excellent work in a number of areas. This ranged from providing essential support to operations in the UK and the Middle East, working in support of community development and charity projects, and also in recognition of displays of exceptional courage in the line of duty.

Speaking about his commendation, Corporal Dean Cresswell from the British Army said: “Working at JFC was my most challenging but also my most rewarding posting to date. I am grateful for the recognition I have received for my work during this time and I feel honoured to be selected for this award.”

Adding to this, Lieutenant Commander Craig Devlin from the Royal Navy said: “This award is recognition that innovation in the right environment can thrive and that procurement can be an agile process delivering at pace. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in JFC and feel privileged to receive this award.”

The Royal Air Force’s Sergeant Steven Peter Hollis said: “I am extremely honoured to receive this award. It was a pleasure to serve within JFC, working with personalities from across the three services. My role as a military skills instructor was very rewarding, ensuring personnel were prepared for operations.”









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