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UK Armed Forces Convey The Queen’s Coffin To Westminster Hall For Lying-In-State

More than 320 members of Armed Forces personnel helped move The Queen’s coffin in procession from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall for the lying-in-state of The Queen.

Image: Crown Copyright 2022 Sgt Lee Goddard

Sailors, soldiers and aviators from the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force took part in the procession alongside members of the Royal Family as the country continues its mourning for The Queen. 

Soldiers from The Life Guards and The Blues and Royals of the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment formed up on the forecourt of Buckingham Palace as it began its journey to Westminster Hall. A bearer party from The Queen’s Company 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards lifted the coffin on to a gun carriage of The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery, which carried the coffin in procession to The Palace of Westminster. 

On the afternoon of Wednesday 14th September 2022, the Coffin of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, was taken on a Gun Carriage of The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall where The Queen will Lie-in-State.
The Procession included Dismounted detachments of The Life Guards and The Blues and Royals of the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment. A Guard of Honour at Queen’s Gardens was made up of soldiers from 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards.
Minute Guns were fired by the Kings Troop Royal Horse Artillery from Hyde Park as The Coffin was borne to the Palace of Westminster.
The King’s Life Guard of the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment turned out mounted in the Front Yard of Horse Guards and gave a Royal Salute to The Coffin as it passed through Horse Guards Arch until the Procession left Front Yard and moved on to Whitehall. The trumpeter will not sound at this location.
The Band of the Scots Guards and the band of the Grenadier Guards will play funeral marches and including a time beater Colour Sergeant Neil Brocklehurst from the Band of the Scots Guards with a black draped drum (muffled) will beat the pace of 75 paces per minute.
The Bearer Party and Escort Party was made up from soldiers of The Queen’s Company, from 1st Battalion of The Grenadier Guards. This is the Sovereign’s Company of which she uniquely held the position of Company Commander.
A Guard of Honour was mounted on the East side of Parliament Square consisting of three Officers and 48 Other Ranks from each of the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force, with Colours draped and accompanied by The Band of the Corps of Royal Marines with drums draped and muffled. It gave a Royal Salute when the Procession approaches New Palace Yard from Parliament Street and until the North Doors of Westminster Hall close.

The King’s Troop also fired processional minute guns from Hyde Park, counting each minute of the procession with the troop’s world-class precision. 

The King’s Life Guard turned out in the Front Yard of Horse Guards and gave a royal salute to the coffin as it passed. The coffin was welcomed to The Palace of Westminster by a guard of honour numbering more than 50 personnel from the Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Air Force, accompanied by The Band of HM Royal Marines. 

Image: Crown Copyright 2022 Cpl Danielle Dawson RLC

Members of the Armed Forces will also form a vigil over The Queen’s coffin throughout the four days of the lying-in-state. The Armed Forces are proud and honoured to lead the nation in mourning as the United Kingdom pays its final respects to HM The Queen.

Read the September issue of Pathfinder and tributes to HM the Queen here. 

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