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UK Expands Counter-IED Support In Africa

With the help of the British Army, a UK-funded counter improvised explosive device training facility at the Humanitarian Peace Support School in Nairobi is expanding into a regional centre of excellence…

Training will be offered to Kenyan security forces and other African Union Mission in Somalia troop-contributing nations in the region. Continued UK support will also include £2.3 million a year from the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund and mentoring from the British Army.

Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson said: “From supporting counter-terrorist operations in Mali to improvised explosive device disposal training in Kenya, our Armed Forces are helping to build a more secure Africa. By tackling the terrorist threat abroad we are helping to keep our streets safe at home.”

Since 2015, 1,000 military and police personnel from East Africa have been trained by the British Army in identifying and destroying IEDs. Yet, in the same period the use of IEDs has increased by around 300 per cent in Somalia, where casualties are often civilians.

By November 2020, the wing is expected to have developed into a fully-functioning, independent centre of excellence where East African instructors will provide specialised IED disposal training.










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