Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The leading provider of information and opportunities for Service Personnel and Veterans.

A New Front Line

A short testimonial (Ex WO2 RE): “Having very recently completed 23 years of regular service in the Army, I speak with complete understanding of the trials and tribulations faced by serving personnel when faced with the prospect of finding work outside of the forces."

"3 years prior to my termination and with most of my military qualifications being either very out of date or not particularly useful in the civilian employment arena, I decided to pay for, and complete, an SIA Door Supervisors course in order to seek part-time employment in the security industry. This move was in order to gain some experience working in a different environment with people of varying backgrounds and experiences, not to mention the extra money.

"The first thing that struck me on this particular journey was the simplicity of the content and the relative ease with which it took to pass the Door Supervisors course. Unfortunately, it is barely the quality control measure it is supposed to be. It is, however, an essential qualification for the industry.

"So, with SIA Licence in hand, I went in search of part-time work that suited my availability. This saw me doing everything from door work at nightclubs to long shifts at festivals and large events. The people I met and worked for certainly opened my eyes to the way some parts of the security industry went about their business; which leads me to the second thing that struck me on this venture; security providers employ some of the most professional, capable and diligent individuals, unfortunately, due to the afore mentioned low entry standard into the industry, there is also a very large portion of the SIA licensed populous that have absolutely no drive, standards or professionalism, thus lowering the overall capability of any given security provider.

"This rang true with everyone I worked with, until that is, I applied to work for a company that had an assessment day, a fitness test and even a 3 day training package as a minimum entry standard. At last, a company with the ability to provide an enhanced security service with values and standards that are leaps and bounds above any other security provider.
It was working with and for this company that fuelled my decision to draw my Army career to an end. I am proud to now be employed in a full-time capacity by TSG®, an enforcement agency that maintains standards and a working ethos so similar to that of the forces that my transition has been effortless.

"My decision to gain experience outside of the military proved to be invaluable, it was an endless source of networking, experience and education, but more importantly it gave a very accurate portrayal of what type of work was currently available and some ground truth with regards to the attitudes and schools of thought that applied to both potential future employers and colleagues.

"If testing the water in civilian employment appeals to you, or you are already ‘on the outside’ with some spare time, then I can whole heartedly recommend TSG. TSG provides exactly the rewards I mention above, with at least 50% of our deployed staff being ex-police and the rest made up from ex-military and similar backgrounds, it is a very similar environment to what you are used to."

TSG® is a private Enforcement Agency who provide enhanced security services and alternative policing solutions. Our services provide specialist support to safety plans that are often in addition to existing arrangements. They may also be requested to action short or long term responses to specific challenges that traditional security teams are not trained, equipped or experienced to undertake.

TSG provides and manages its resources in order to operate as ‘response teams’ or as a viable alternative on-site policing. Our involvement can reduce the requirement for on-site police services and in some cases, remove the need for on-site police altogether.

We Are Recruiting…

Leaving the forces? Have spare time? Possess transferable skills? If you are, then make a difference, develop yourself and make valuable contacts, we have great working opportunities available to supplement your current or next career move. Benefits include: Free Training; Great Pay; Flexible Working; Rates starting at £14.85 per hour and increase with role and responsibility.

If approved to work for TSG® we will both, train you and maintain your training, at no cost to you. Your uniform, welfare and accommodation, where applicable, will be provided without charge.

You will not require an SIA License to attend selection or assessment days, however, you will need either an SIA Door Supervisors or Close Protection license prior to deployment. For more information about SIA Licensing, visit the SIA website www.sia.homeoffice.gov.uk

We are looking for honest, confident, socially aware people with a responsible attitude who have the ability to assess situations and react quickly. You should be resilient, tenacious and be able to remain calm in what can sometimes be hostile situations. Strong communication skills are important too and the ability to work alone or as part of a professional team. You should also have a thorough understanding of the law, specifically covering Section 3 of the Criminal Law Act 1967, Common Law Breach of the Peace, Common Law Defence of Self and Others, and Section 24a of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984.

If you are aged 24 or above and feel you have the right qualities to be part of the TSG® agency please complete our online application.


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