If you are an military organisation or services charity we will supply free copies of Patherfinder for you to distribute to veterans and those about to embark on resettlement.
Just tell just how many you want using the form opposite.
And if you already receive copies, but would like to update you subscription details, please use the form as well.
If you distrubute multiple copies of Pathfinder and would like a stand to make copies available in a prominent and tidy manner, why not request one (or more if needed) stands?
We are currently guaging demand for stands and if you are interested we’d love to know – just tick the box on the form opposite. Note that the actual design may vary.
* Eligibity for Free Copies
Bulk free subscriptions are available to military institutions, including auxillery and part time forces. Registered charities and not-for-profits may also apply provided you are able to distribute to current or former services personnel.
We researve the right to decline bulk copy requests.
If you are an organisaton not covered by the above or an individual who wants their own personal copy, click here.
Want a copy just for yourself?
Click the advert below for digital and print subscriptions.