Lt. Colonel Ren Kapur MBE has shared a blog reflecting on this year’s Soldiering On Awards…

Wow – what a night! In the blink of an eye, another Soldiering On Awards has come and gone, but what remains etched in our hearts is far more than the passing of time. It’s the tidal wave of emotions – joy, pride, and deep, heartfelt gratitude – that continues to stir within us. The evening was so much more than just a gathering; it was a celebration of extraordinary lives and extraordinary acts of service, courage, and love. The atmosphere was electric, buzzing with laughter and tears, and the energy was amazing. Every hug, every cheer, every standing ovation was a testament to the profound sense of connection we shared.

Together, we created more than memories; we forged bonds that will live on in the warmth, admiration and love that filled the room.

And at the heart of it all were our finalists. The most inspiring individuals on the night. Each of the 36 finalists brought with them a story that was not only unique but also deeply moving. Their stories of courage, perseverance, and service moved us in different ways. They reminded us that the values of sacrifice, solidarity, and dedication are timeless, stretching far beyond the uniform. These are values that build communities, inspire nations, and change lives.

We were grateful beyond words for the Prime Minister’s personal message of endorsement, a reminder of the incredible impact these individuals have on our country. In his letter, Sir Keir Starmer beautifully captured the spirit of the night when he wrote: ‘This year’s 36 Soldiering On Awards finalists represent the very best of the Armed Forces community, whether or not they wear uniform. You showcase the true heights of what we can achieve. I am deeply proud of our serving personnel, veterans, and their families for the contribution you make to our society. I was even more proud reading the stories of those being celebrated tonight.’



We were equally honoured to have the Minister for Veterans and People, Al Carns OBE MC, in attendance, whose words carried a sincerity that moved us all. He reminded us that the finalists and winners “demonstrate the very best of us,” adding poignantly that ‘if we could bottle this and sprinkle it all over the UK, this country would be a better place.’ In those words, the Minister captured the very essence of the Soldiering On Awards – amplifying the voices, stories, and sacrifices that bring military and civilian life closer together. We are a community, and nights like this one remind us just how strong that community truly is.

To the 2024 Soldiering On Award winners: congratulations on your well-deserved recognition! Your contributions are not just acts of service but powerful reminders that we need our Armed Forces more than ever. Your stories will undoubtedly inspire generations to come. And to all our finalists – you are, each and every one of you, winners in your own right. Your strength, courage, and unwavering commitment are what brought you here, and for that, you have our deepest respect and admiration. You are the heartbeat of this event, and the ripple effect of your actions will continue to create positive change, inspiring us all to strive for better, to serve with more heart, and to come together as one.

When one person serves, the whole family serves alongside them, and that is what truly resonates with us here at Soldiering On. We see the families, the loved ones, the friends, and the communities that rally behind every nomination, and we celebrate them just as much.

To our valued partners, stakeholders, judges, nominators, and everyone who has supported the Soldiering On Awards, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Your belief in the power of these stories, and in the importance of shining a light on the best of our community, has made all of this possible.

Here’s to another unforgettable year, to the stories we have yet to hear, and to the journeys that will continue to inspire and uplift us all.

I’m delighted to share with you the longer version of our highlights video. It captures some of the evening’s most poignant moments, including speeches from our Co-Chairs of Judges, Debra Allcock-Tyler and Lt Gen Richard Nugee; Sir Nick Pope; and the Minister for Veterans and People. These heartfelt messages from across the community encapsulated the spirit of the night beautifully.

Finally, thank you to my amazing team and for your belief in the community and what we do!

So, grab a drink, take a moment, and relive the magic of a night that celebrated the courage, resilience, and unity of the class of #SoldieringOnAwards2024 – click here.