
Each month, Pathfinder works closely with lead industry and trade bodies to showcase careers in a wide range of sectors and provides service leavers with all the information they need in order to make informed choices about the civilian career path that is right for them.

What makes Pathfinder the leading resettlement magazine?

Pathfinder is the original and premier veteran resettlement magazine – delivering the largest print circulation directly to service personnel via our unique, MOD distributed, mailing list, website and digital channels. Established as the leading resettlement, career development and recruitment publication for current and former service personnel entering ‘civvy street’, Pathfinder offers unmatched reach and authoritative content for the military community and advertisers targeting this unique demographic.”

Unique magazine distribution through the MOD

Since 1991, each month, 15,000 copies of Pathfinder magazine are packaged, labelled and dispatched by the MoD’s distribution hub in Portsmouth and sent out to military bases across the world.

In addition to the hard copy of the magazine, Pathfinder is also available digitally, and is circulated to the readership in advance of the print magazine being distributed.

No other resettlement publication offers this combination of regularity and reach!

Digital channels to reach veterans

Pathfinder’s website is the perfect online accompaniment to the magazine. Comprising a fully searchable course and job database, news, articles, careers advice and industry profiles, the Pathfinder website is an excellent resource for both Service Leavers and advertisers alike.

In addition to the website, Pathfinder also sends out two weekly e-newsletters to our readers – these feature jobs, news, courses and have advertising and sponsorship opportunities. Our online reach is further enhanced by an extremely active social media presence – via X, LinkedIn and Facebook

Contact us

For further details about advertising in Pathfinder International, including our highly competitive advertising rates, call Paul Foster on 0191 916 9149 or send an email to

Editorial calendar

Our editorial calendar is a guide to the key themes we plan to cover – this is flexible and so if you would like a focus on your sector in a particular month please discuss this with your sales contact.

Each month we cover an industry sector with multiple editorial pieces in the magazine and online, for example:

  • An in depth industry focus by an industry expert or trade body
  • The success story of a real ex-forces person now working in the sector
  • A company profile exploring what roles the company recruits for, what it’s looking for in veterans etc. and more.

We also cover key skills and transitioning advice and important military dates and events.

A typical annual calendar might look like this:

MonthIndustry FocusResettlement SkillsNotable Dates
JanuaryLogistics & HGVTranslating Military Roles to Civiliam jobsNew Year
FebruarySecurity & DefenceWriting civilian-friendly CVsInvictus Games
MarchTechnology & DigitalFast-track programmes for veterans 
AprilInfrastructure & EngineeringNetworking in civilian industries 
MayProject ManagementCivilian interview expectationsVE Day
JuneOperations & Lean ManagementSalary expectations by industryArmed Forces Day
JulyInternational OpportunitiesFitness and mental health during transition 
AugustEducation & TrainingIdentifying transferable skillsEdinburgh Military Tattoo
SeptemberPublic SectorStructuring your experience for civilian hiring managers 
OctoberCharities & Third SectorUsing military education benefits effectively 
NovemberEntrepreneurship & FranchisingSecuring funding for a start-upRemembrance
DecemberYear in ReviewSMART goal setting for career progression 

Pathfinder is the most widely distributed print magazine covering armed forces resettlement – we distribute thousands of copies every month to:

  • All resettlement officers
  • All education officers
  • All education centres
  • All administration officers
  • Single service education centres
  • Spar NAAFI shops
  • Junior Ranks’ Clubs
  • Senior Ranks’ Messes
  • Officer’s messes
  • Medical and dental centres
  • Individual subscribers
  • The 10 Career Transition Partnership Regional Resettlement Centres
  • The 30 Regular Forces Employment Association offices
  • All Single Service Resettlement Officers (NRIO, IERO, RRA)
  • Army, RAF and Naval Reserve Forces.
  • The Officers’ Association
  • The Resettlement Training Centre at Aldershot
  • All Sitting MP’S in Westminster, Holyrood and the Welsh Assembly and their Civil Servants
  • HIVES (Help, Information, Volunteer, Exchange network)
  • Military Libraries
  • The Liquid List
  • British Embassies and Consulates
  • British High Commissions
  • Defence Attaches
  • NATO attachments
  • Army, Navy and RAF training centres
  • British Forces Broadcasting
  • Army, Navy and RAF careers officers
  • Military families centres
  • Military welfare centres
  • Joint Services Housing Advice Office
  • Police, Fire, Ambulance and Prison Services
  • Selected Job Centres
  • Military charities
  • MoD headquarters and agencies, including Civil Servants

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