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Books to Inspire and Inform Your Resettlement

Explore our curated selection of books tailored for service personnel and veterans. Find stories that resonate with your journey and fuel your next adventure.

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Top Picks for Service Personnel and Veterans

Leaving the Military Life After Resettlement: How to Get a New Job That Doesn’t Suck

So you are thinking about leaving the British Armed Forces, or may have already left? Are wondering how to get a plan together, how to find your purpose in life?

Chris Hitchens was an NCO Helicopter Pilot in the British Army Air Corps. In his first book, Hitchens shares his experiences on how he went from £8000 in debt to getting his first job (which he got fired from!), becoming a project management contractor and then on to building a multi-million global company.

Author: Chris Hitchens
Length: 83 Pages
Rating: 4.3 Stars
Price: £4,99
Audio Book Version Available Here

Signposts for Civvy Street: A comprehensive guide for all military service leavers and veterans

Being a member of the UK Military is often compared to being part of a large extended family where there is a sense of shared purpose, humour, discipline, comradeship and team spirit. Or at least that is what we were told when talking to military veterans about their resettlement experiences whilst gathering information for this book. 

But, sadly we were also told that when people leave the armed forces, there is also a feeling of being “fobbed off”, of being “no use to society”, of “not knowing where” they fit in and this in turn led to “real despair”, “severe anxiety”, “frustration” and “lack of identity”. What an incredibly sad situation. We train people in techniques to support us in times of threat, crisis and war, when most of the population runs away from danger, these brave souls run into the danger. 

Author: Dr Karen Castle & Richy Kelly
Length: 176 Pages
Rating: 5.0 Stars
Price: £33.78

Resettle: An authentic guide for those leaving the armed forces and entering the corporate world

A  successful new career after leaving the armed forces is achievable. You just need to realise your own potential. This book offers honest advice into what it takes to succeed during resettlement and beyond.

Jac Hughes is a former Leading Seaman who left the Royal Navy in January 2015 and successfully transitioned back into civilian life. He now works with teams and individuals to help them become more autonomous, empowered and productive.

Author: Jac Hughes
Length: 86 Pages
Rating: 4.3 Stars
Price: £3.59

Operation Civvy Street: Tactics and Strategies for Your Successful Journey to Civilian Life

Operation Civvy Street is for anyone planning on leaving the Armed Forces. Full of hints, tips and advice to make the most of your transition from the military to the civilian world. Written by Peter Lewis, a soldier for 20 years, it contains techniques that will allow you to create a fantastic new life beyond the military. 

Written in clear, no nonsense style, this book outlines the necessary steps you need to take to fulfil your true potential. Using the principles described, Peter has created a highly successful training business from scratch; despite having little idea what he could do when he started planning!

Author: Peter Lewis
Format: Paperback
Length: 160 Pages
Rating: 5.0 Stars
Price: £9.99



Service Leavers' Guide Commercial Security - Resettlement Advice & Guidance: What you Need to Know!

Be under no illusion – your service in the Armed Forces has set you up to make a success of whatever you turn your hand to in civvie street. But you will have to fight for that success.

Read, digest and action the content of this invaluable book that Mark Thompson and Nicholas McCarthy have written, it is the culmination of their considerable experience. I commend it to you.

Author: Mark Thompson (Author), Nicholas McCarthy (Author), Col Richard Kemp (Foreword)
Length: 91 Pages
Rating: 5.0 Stars
Price: £3.48