Six leading figures with extensive experience across defence, security, and wider government will support the Strategic Defence Review (SDR) external reviewers.

The additional members of the Defence Review Team announced have been chosen to support this work due to their expertise across the priority areas set out by the Terms of Reference of the SDR.

They are:

  • Rt Hon Sir Jeremy Quin – He is a former Defence Minister in the previous Government and former Chair of the Defence Select Committee, he also served as Minister for the Cabinet Office with responsibility for the Government Commercial Function. Brings significant expertise in acquisition.
  • Angus Lapsley CMG – He is the NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defence Policy and Planning and over 30 years of experience in the Diplomatic and Civil Services. Brings significant expertise on NATO.
  • Edward Dinsmore – He has led key elements of the Modernising Defence Programme and pan-Defence reviews for the Chief of Defence Staff. Brings significant expertise on ‘people’.
  • Robin Marshall – An industry expert and a Non-Executive Director to the MOD’s Defence Board. Brings significant expertise in industry.
  • Grace Cassy – She is an expert in early-stage technology companies and previously an adviser on national security to former Prime Minister Tony Blair. Brings significant technology expertise.
  • Jean-Christophe Gray CBE, LVO – He was previously Director Public Spending at HM Treasury, spokesperson for former Prime Minister David Cameron, and currently Director General for Delivery, No10 and Cabinet Office. Brings significant Treasury and cross-government expertise.

Lead Reviewer, Lord Robertson of Port Ellen said:

“As the threats facing Britain continue to evolve, we must be clear-eyed about the defensive capabilities we need for the future. The work of our review is already underway and will deliver a clear vision for UK defence.

“I am delighted this expert team have agreed to make time to consider the profound challenges facing our country and how they can be countered. They provide an incredibly valuable range of experience across the defence and security sectors, both in the UK and internationally. Their role in this review process will be invaluable.”

The Strategic Defence Review will be delivered at pace and report in the first half of 2025, with work already underway – recognising of the urgency of the threats facing the UK.