The Secretary of State for Defence has announced the extension of the Education Support Fund (ESF), on a limited basis, for an additional two years…

The fund will consist of £3 million in 2018/19 and £2 million in 2019/20. This is in light of the ongoing drawdown from Germany and to provide time for the educational authorities across the UK to bring in longer-term provision for Service children as necessary.

The ESF is open to publicly funded schools, Academies and Free Schools in the UK attended by Service children whose parents are subject to exceptional mobility and/or deployment. Applications from Local Authorities in support of these schools can also be accepted.

Directorate Children and Young People (DCYP), which is the MOD’s professional focal point for all matters relating to children and young people associated with the armed forces, are the lead organisation administering and supporting the fund.

DCYP will release further information on the next funding round shortly, but in the meantime Service parents are encouraged to raise awareness of the ESF at their child’s school. Please contact the team at MOD if you have any questions in the meantime.