The Directory of Social Change (DSC) in partnership with the Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT), are proud to announce the release of Focus On: Armed Forces Charities’ Mental Health Provision…

The first report in DSC’s new Focus On series explores charities that support the mental health needs of the armed forces community. It is available to download via the website:

Key findings include:

  • 76 charities make provision for mental health which represents 7% of all armed forces charities
  • Charities help an estimated 7,000 to 10,000 beneficiaries per year
  • Charities spend over £28million providing mental health services per year
  • 91% of charities support veterans, 71% support serving personnel and their spouses/partners respectively
  • 75% of charities provide treatment for PTSD, 57% for depression and anxiety and 43% for substance misuse
  • Counselling is the most common method of treatment, offered by 45% of charities
  • 19% of charities provide clinical services

This is a unique resource for charities, government, policymakers and researchers to understand what armed forces charities deliver in terms of their mental health provision. This subject area has been thoroughly explored to provide a body of evidence and insightful analysis which informs of policy, practice and research.

Ray Lock, Chief Executive, Forces in Mind Trust said: "It is only right that we invest in credible, independent evidence, such as this report, so that our efforts and resources are deployed where they are most needed, and where they can have the greatest positive effect."

Debra Allcock Tyler, Chief Executive, Directory of Social Change commented: "We are very fortunate to have so many brilliant forces charities in the UK, and it is vital that we continue to illuminate and celebrate their work."

About the directory of Social Change

The Directory of Social Change (DSC) has a vision of an independent voluntary sector at the heart of social change. The activities of independent charities, voluntary organisations and community groups are fundamental to achieve social change. We exist to help these organisations and the people who support them to achieve their goals.

We do this by:

  • Providing practical tools that organisations and activists need, including online and printed publications, training courses, and conferences on a huge range of topics;
  • Acting as a concerned citizen in public policy debates, often on behalf of smaller charities, voluntary organisations and community groups;
  • Leading campaigns and stimulating debate on key policy issues that affect those groups;
  • Carrying out research and providing information to influence policymakers.

Click the following link: for:

  • A fact sheet summarizing key findings
  • An Infographic displaying key findings
  • A full copy of the report (Executive summary: page 9)