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IWM 25th Anniversary of the Lifting of the Ban Project

IWM 25th Anniversary of the Lifting of the Ban Project


The Imperial War Museum (IWM) wants to hear from veterans effected by the pre-2000 Ban on LGBTQ+ personnel in the armed forces, to be involved in a project to mark the 25th anniversary of the Lifting of the Ban.

Fighting with Pride have partnered with IWM who are marking the 25th anniversary of the lifting of the pre-2000 Ban in January 2025. The project aims to highlight the voices of LGBTQ+ service personal, share the stories of those affected by the pre-2000 Ban, and the impact it has had on theirs and their loved ones lives.

IWM wish to record filmed interviews with veterans impacted by the pre-2000 Ban to be shown on IWM digital platforms and made available in their museums for visitors to watch and learn.

If you are interested, please follow this link for further details and to complete an Expression of Interest Form. The deadline for submissions is 12pm Tuesday 3 September.

Travel expenses will be covered by IWM, and refreshments provided on the day of the filming.

If you have any questions regarding this project, please email Molly Shand at

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