Three bedrooms for members and guests with accessibility requirements have recently been renovated at the Victory Services Club, work which was largely funded thanks to a £56,000 grant from the RAF Benevolent Fund…

The grant allows serving and retired personnel who need extra support to stay in comfort at the Club, through the refurbishment of three accessible bedrooms and en suite bathrooms. The upgraded bedrooms include non-slip wet rooms and power-assisted door openers, and they complement the Club’s six other accessible bedrooms.

The Victory Services Club supports the Armed Forces by providing respite breaks for military families, which includes those with a family member serving in the RAF. Nominations for these breaks can be made via the RAF Benevolent Fund, the RAF Recovery staff at HQ Air Command, or through unit Personnel staff.

Air Commodore Paul Hughesdon, Director of Welfare and Policy at the RAF Benevolent Fund, said: “This grant is a great example of the Fund’s work in looking to support the RAF Family wherever there is a need.

“These bedrooms will be used to offer welfare and respite breaks to families needing some time away as well as guests who have mobility issues. We are pleased to continue our support of the Victory Services Club in its support of the RAF Family.”

The Victory Services club is an all ranks club for all branches of the Armed Forces and their families, in central London.

Air Commodore Nigel Beet, the Chief Executive and Club Secretary of the Victory Services Club, said: “This generous grant has transformed these bedrooms so they are extremely comfortable and, modern. We are extremely grateful for this donation which has enabled us to complete our Centenary Wing refurbishment.

“We can now offer more than the 120 free respite weekends the Club provided in our last financial year to individuals and their families who are recommended to us.”