NHS launches campaign to support survivors of sexual assault and abuse

NHS launches campaign to support survivors of sexual assault and abuse


The NHS has launched a campaign to raise awareness of sexual assault referral centres (SARCs) – specialist services that offer free care and support to anyone, including the Armed Forces community, who has been raped, sexually assaulted or abused at any time in their life.

SARCs are available 24/7 across England, however, many sexual assault and abuse survivors do not know where to go or who to turn to for help. Some people are also put off seeking help due to thinking they need to speak to the police.

Help is available from a SARC without having to talk to the police or report what happened. The SARC team will make sure that anyone visiting their service understands their options and gets the support they choose in a place where they are safe.

For more information visit www.nhs.uk/SARCs


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