Royal Naval reservist, Penny Mordaunt has been appointed as the first female Defence Secretary after the dismissal of Gavin Williamson, following a media leak inquiry after information was alledgedly passed from a National Security Council meeting.

Penny Mordaunt also currently holds the role of Minister for Women and Equalities and holds the rank of Acting Sub Lieutenant at the Portsmouth based HMS King Alfred. Penny is the daughter of a paratrooper and has previously worked at the Ministry of Defence in her role as Minister of State for Armed Forces from May 2015 until April 2016.

Penny Mordaunt said she is “delighted to be back at the Ministry of Defence” and described taking the role as “an honour and privilege”.

She has also worked as Parliamentary Private Secretary to then-defence secretary Philip Hammond and as Minister for International Development.

A summary of her voting record on defence can be found below:

  • Voted against an investigation into the contrast between public statements and private actions in the run up to the Iraq war.
  • Consistently voted for use of UK military forces in combat operations overseas.
  • Consistently voted for replacing Trident with a new nuclear weapons system.
  • Consistently voted against strengthening the Military Covenant.
  • Consistently voted for military action against so-called Islamic State.


Source: TheyWorkForYou